The real powers behind this election

It’s not Big Oil.

It’s not the Gay Agenda.

It’s not even the Slightly Grim and Dour Agenda.

It’s a shadowy organization far older and more powerful.

It’s the Habsburg Nobility, gang.

Let’s start at the beginning.

The Habsburg Dynasty can trace its lineage back to 12th Century Switzerland.  After the fall of the Hohenstaufens, Rudolph of Habsburg was appointed King of Germany (and King of the Romans) in 1273.

For the next six centuries, the Habsburg Dynasty would act as the kingmakers and often kings of Europe.  The Austro-Hungarian Empire would collapse at the conclusion of World War I in 1918, and with it went Charles I, the last of the Habsburg kings.

In the early 19th Century, the Rothschild family would quietly enter the stage.  The served as bankers for the Habsburgs, and their financial influence was such that they were able to steer significant changes in the European political landscape.  They managed their businesses well, and they kept their cards close to the vest.  As such, they were able to survive the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Their influence was spread throughout Europe.  In the late 19th Century, Nathan Rothschild would fund the construction of the Suez Canal, the founding of the De Beers diamond company and Oxford University’s Rhodes Scholarship.  The entire family held positions of power and prestige throughout the 20th Century.

In 1930, György Schwartz was born in Hungary.  His name was changed to George Soros, and after World War II, he moved to England to study Economics, where he would study with Karl Popper.

In 1969, the Rothschilds helped finance the founding of Soros’ Quantum Fund in Curaçao.

Throughout the intervening years, Soros and the Quantum Fund would do quite well at speculating on currencies.  In 1992, Soros’ reputation was cemented when he made nearly two billion dollars by short-selling English Pounds for the Deutsche Mark and instigated the event known in the UK as Black Wednesday.

The 1960’s also marked the entrance of David Fenton to the stage.  Fenton was one of those peace-and-love sorts.  In fact, he was so full of love, he was happy to work as a photographer for the Weathermen.  Never mind the fact that blowing up buildings is hardly my idea of love.

He made friends with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and this friendship would pay off later, when they would help him score a position on the Board of Directors for Chicago’s Woods Fund.

As has been publicized recently, Barack Obama was also a director, as well as a friend to Ayers and Dorhn.  Through the Woods Fund, he arranged donations to the Tides Foundation.

At this point, I’ll be discussing two groups about whom I’ve written previously: the Joyce Foundation and the Tides Foundation.

Through his “Open Society Institute,” Soros has donated over $16 million [pdf] to the Tides Foundation.

So, where’s the connection?  Fenton founded Fenton Communications in 1982.  The company focuses on legal representation and public relations for far-left causes.  Remember the fake Alar scare of 1989?  You’ve got him to thank for it.

Fenton Communications has received substantial financial assistance from, which is heavily funded by Soros.  He also sits on the Board of Directors for the Environmental Working Group, with Drummond Pike of the Tides Foundation.  The EWG is also funded by the Joyce Foundation, in which Barack Obama was a Board Member.

It’s all connected, and it all leads back to George Soros.  It breaks down like this:

Barack Obama—>Tides/Moveon/Joyce/Fenton—>George Soros/OSI—>Quantum Fund—>Rothschild Dynasty—>Habsburg Monarchy.

Pretty good, eh?  Ready to vote McCain this year?

Think again.

McCain founded a little “think tank” called the Reform Institute.  Look at the donor list.  See some familiar names?  They’re also taking money from Tides.

Sorry to ruin the mood, folks.  I really am.

The Reform Institute has also received support from Soros’ Open Society Institute, as well as David Geffen–the man I will never forgive for ruining Sonic Youth.  They’re also taking money from the Proteus Fund, which counts Barbara Streisand among its donors.  The Proteus Fund in turn gives money to the Piper Fund, and who do we see on their donor list?  The Joyce Foundation and Tides Foundation.

Not only do they have horrific taste in music, they’re supported by two of the largest left-wing finaciers in this country.

So, applying the Obama calculus:

McCain—>Reform Institute—>Piper Fund—>Joyce/Tides—>Proteus Fund—>George Soros/OSI—>Quantum Fund—>Rothschild Dynasty—>Habsburg Monarchy

Yep, either way, this election’s looking pretty grim.

Though I may be a bit flippant in my presentation of historical connections, everything I’ve written here about current-day funding is true.  Leave out the idea of the Habsburgs waiting in the wings, and the reality is the same:  our two Presidential candidates share the same funding, and as such, the same masters.

George Soros will be the man steering our country, no matter who you vote for.