NRA Bashing

Apparently, some folks are unhappy with the NRA’s actions leading up to the passage of SB 308.  In fact, they’re so riddled with angst, they’re quitting the NRA and urging others to do so.

Why?  The claim is that the NRA withdrew their support for the bill because the language re-legalizing carry in the insecure areas of Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport was stripped from the final version.   Allegations have been made that NRA lobbyists pressured Senators to vote against the bill, and that they attempted to “sabotage” it.

As far as I can gather, this comes from three sources:

  • a poorly-written article with a misspelled title
  • a claim from an organization that’s voiced hostility to the NRA before, and
  • the utterances of two Senators who were opposed to the bill’s passage.

Of course, none of the three people who foamed at the mouth to me about it in person could tell me exactly what was said, who said it, or in what context it was said.

Well, if you’re making a claim like that, I’d expect proof, not hearsay.

So, what evidence do we have?  Not much.  Senators Orrock and Thompson both claimed that the bill lacked NRA support, but both are staunchly anti-gun, and well, I’ve known those people to play fast and loose with the truth at times.  Senator Seabaugh, who is in our corner, only mentioned that the NRA had “issues” with the bill as passed.  That doesn’t mean outright opposition.

To my knowledge, Mr. Seabaugh has made no clarifying statement on the matter.

Reading through Randy Kozuch’s letter to the Senator from March, I’m having trouble seeing the acrimony:

Dear Senator Seabaugh:
I am writing on behalf of NRA’s tens-of-thousands of members in Georgia to state that NRA fully supports Senate Bill 308, with the adoption of Amendment 29 0865. I greatly appreciate your help with promoting this critical legislation, but want to specifically thank you for your efforts regarding this amendment.  As you know, SB 308–along with AM 29 0865–represents a dramatic improvement to Georgia’s laws regulating the concealed carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens. This legislation expands where license holders may lawfully carry their firearms and has the potential to expand the number of states that will recognize a Georgia license. These improvements, as well as others contained in this legislation, are advancements that NRA and its Georgia members proudly support.

The ILA Grassroots Division flatly denied the truth of Senator Thompson’s comments, rightly pointing out that he and Orrock both have failing ratings with the NRA.  Kaelan Jones’ emails on the matter have been quoted ad infinitum on the boards, so I won’t repeat them here.  They are not in the least bit ambiguous in their denial.  Michael Frazer (comment on 04/30/2010, 13:54) confirms this.

NRA did not oppose the bill. That is simply a lie.

We supported the legislation throughout the process.  However, we were concerned about some last minute changes to the legislation that we believe could adversely affect our members. We made some suggestions to fix a potential problem in the language but they were not accepted.

Seems fairly clear to me.

I may not always agree with them.  In fact, I’ve had serious issues with some of their strategies.  Still, I stand with the NRA.  If it were not for them, we would not even be in a position to debate these matters.

This whole situation is juvenile and petty, and splitting the ranks with baseless accusations serves no constructive purpose.

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