A Tale of Two Sheriffs

Nationwide, several sheriffs have announced they’re going to ignore new gun-control laws. It’s a nice stance to take, but the fact that a certain official refuses to enforce a law in a certain area at a certain time isn’t much of a guarantee.

Maybe Sheriff Joe doesn’t enforce the law, but what about Sheriff Bill in the next county? Am I sure? I may be safe in County A, but what happens if I’m caught in County B? I’m going away for a felony.

Then there’s the question of accountability. Sheriffs are elected officials. Let’s say Sheriff Joe doesn’t enforce the SAFE Act. Election time comes around, and Sheriff Steve runs against him. Perhaps Steve makes Joe’s capricious and inconsistent performance of his duties an issue.

Steve takes office and starts enforcing the law without warning. He doesn’t have to tell everyone that he plans on doing so. It’s the law. He’s just doing his job when he orders his deputies start throwing folks in jail.

I find it odd that the gun culture is cheering these guys on for selective enforcement of one law when we rush to condemn and scream jackboots if they decide to ignore others. These laws remain on the books, and a lack of prosecution isn’t a solution. We need to be focusing on repeal.