Black LIves Matter

1 post

Black Lives Matter: We All Deserve Better

This group has been a problem since its inception.  It is a leaderless, anarchical mess.  Their juvenile shock tactics have dismayed established civil rights leaders, and their constant drumbeat of hostility towards law enforcement has now inspired outright murder.

That’s it.  We need to be done with them as a country.

It’s hard to write that because I’m well aware of the sources of their anger.  The unconscionable killings of Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and countless other black men by law enforcement are unacceptable.  The disproportionate prosecution, ridiculous mandatory sentences, and deficient legal representation black men receive in our justice system is a travesty, and it is utterly unAmerican.

Of course, to hear representatives of Black Lives Matter tell it, I don’t get to have an opinion because I’m white.  That’s preposterous and dishonest.  I don’t need to be abused by a rogue police officer to tell that there are elements of our system that are terribly broken and in need of reform.  
