Daily Archives: December 6, 2003

1 post

In which our hero caters to the lowest common denominator

As it turns out, there is easy no way around Internet Explorer’s faulty CSS handling. Most of the audience for this page consists of Linux and BSD users, and we all use browser flavors that are almost completely compliant with CSS2, so it wouldn’t seem to be that pressing of an issue, but the plain fact is, I’ve spent alot of time on the design of this page, and the fact that 90-something percent of the world can’t view it correctly…well, it bugs me.

The simplest answer is to specify a simpler (read: “dumbed down”) alternate stylesheet that Explorer can handle. So, being the accomodating guy I am, I set about making a nice one for IE users. Then I checked it on a Windows box, and the ugly truth hit me like a wet flounder across the nose–there’s no way to select stylesheets in Explorer. W3C regs suggest that all browsers have an onboard menu for switching stylesheets.
