More fun with alternate stylesheets

You’ll notice that the sidebar now has a “Site Themes” section. Try it.

Pretty cool, eh? Saturday’s rant gave a general idea of how I did it, and this weekend, I’m going to work on a writeup explaining the construction of this site in more detail. There’s still no way to make most of the themes look right on Internet Explorer, but at least Windows users have a couple of usable ways to view the page. If you’re using Internet Explorer, Sobel and Woody should be fine, though some important effects are lost.

Long-time readers will probably notice that several of the site themes are adaptations of my WindowMaker themes. That’s intentional-I’m not just recycling material. With the new themable layout, the site itself can now depict the themes in use (to some extent) instead of just static screenshots.

Rpeg, for example, is a loose port of its briny forbear, while the Railway theme is a pretty much a variation on Kaamos. Barsoom, on the other hand ports only the active parts of its parent theme.

In case you’re wondering, no I’m not currently developing WindowMaker themes, mostly because I’m not using it at the moment. My stumbling block is the lack of anti-aliased font support, though a fix is in the works as we speak, and as soon as the stable upgrade is available, I’ll be back in business. I could certainly build some nice themes around Autumn and the default theme…

In the meantime, I’ll be putting my energy into themes for the site, as well as a few GTK themes I’ve been tinkering with.

As always, feel free to redistribute or recycle any of the work here. I only ask that proper credit be given, and that you let me know how and where it’s used, so I can gloat. I’m also willing to return the favor if anyone’s got some material they’d like me to interpret.

God Bless and goodnight

NP: Ame no Basu Tei, Hoshi no Koe Soundtrack