Possible IE CSS fix

Well, Internet Explorer went live within the last few days. Apparently, the biggest new feature is pop-up blocking (like Mozilla had two years ago). From what I’ve gathered, CSS is still broken to some extent, though.


These standards came out in what, 1998? Yep.

In any case, Dean Edwards has come out with something of a patch to help things. It’s more of a kluge than a fix of any sort, but it’s quite impressive, especially considering that they guy doesn’t even work for Microsoft. His site’s been down since notice was posted on Slashdot this morning, but I managed to look at the source, and it consists of a nifty stylesheet which relies on DHTML calls to break up commands into IE-parsable versions. The fixes mostly apply to namespaces and the multiple class-name bug, but alas, positioning is still just as wonky, so it won’t help this site.

I won’t be making any changes to accomodate IE7 any more than I did for previous versions. I simply refuse to rewrite code and resort to inelegant workarounds because Microsoft can’t turn out compliant code. There are plenty of free and superior alternatives, all of which render my code just fine, so if you’re having trouble with this page, consider it yet another reason to switch.