Daily Archives: August 30, 2004

1 post

Go north. Invest in hydrogen cells.

The subject of John Titor came up in conversation today. In case you never heard, he showed up in early 2001 claiming to be a time-traveler from the year 2036.

Sadly, many people believed him, and many still do.

Apparently, the world in 2036 is recovering from a global war in which American civil liberties eroded to the point that, in 2004-2005, there were “Waco-type events” on a weekly basis, and the country finally fell into civil war, the opposing factions being centralized urban areas and organized rural militias. Then the militias allied themselves with the Russians, who subsequently nuked the urban areas, leaving the United States a semi-nuclear wasteland.

Yep. It gets better.

This war escalates and draws in China and the EU, and by Titor’s time, a shaky and traumatized US is split into five regions, each governed by a separate president but united under a central Constitution. The economy is largely agrarian, and technology is scarce.
