Daily Archives: July 7, 2005

1 post

If you can’t trust the government…

…who can you trust, right?

A friend pointed the FBI Crime Clock to me. For those into statistics, give it a look. Some of the data:

Every 22.1 seconds One Violent Crime in America.Every 35.3 seconds One Aggravated Assault.

Every 1.2 minutes One Robbery.

Every 5.5 minutes One Forcible Rape.

Every 32.4 minutes One Murder.

Every 3.0 seconds One Property Crime.

Pretty scary, huh? Just like those “every 3 seconds, a cop-killing assault rifle kills twenty innocent preschoolers” slogans the left likes the throw around. (It’s a lovely testament to the liberal mindset in this country that supposedly “educated” people never fact-check or question the “statistics” they’re fed) The only difference is that these numbers are real, verifiable, and hey, they’re from the government, right?

Now let’s take the Lott/Kleck average of 2.5 million civilian defensive uses of a firearm per year and break it down:

Every day, 6849.3 uses.Every
