Zen wisdom of the Mall Ninja

Whoever owns mallninja.com didn’t renew their domain, and it’s gone. I went looking for the original thread on GlockTalk, but they don’t have it in the archives. Does it mean that the eternal wisdom of Gecko45 and SPECOPS is gone? No! For I once saved the original pages (as text), and I’m going to mirror them here.

Don’t know what I’m talking about? Allow me to explain, young Grasshoppa. The Mall Ninja is an elite operator, usually with some shadowy Special Forces experience, whose job it is to guard our nation’s shopping centers from Chechen rebels, youth Triad gangs, child molesters and teenage shoplifters. To this end, they acquire and train with the best and most powerful ordnance and hone their skills to a razor-sharp edge.

The Martialist gives a somewhat droll definition as:

(…) stems from a famous series of threads at an Internet discussion forum in which one deluded troll regaled the assembled participants with tales of his dangerous life providing covert security as part of a secret ninja group keeping safe a public shopping mall. More generally, Mall Ninja trolls are full of wild tales and bizarre ideas. They frequently speak of life experiences that are obviously fictional and that sound like plots from episodes of Highlander or B-grade science fiction and action movies. They usually consider themselves experts on everything and affect a “been there, done that” attitude that masks profound foolishness and insecurity.

…but they don’t understand the real purpose of the Ninja.

Still, the original threads are a great read, but bear in mind, I take no responsibility in the event that you spew coffee out your nostrils while reading.