Daily Archives: August 21, 2006

1 post

Healing America by Beating People Up

I love Warren Ellis. If he was a beautiful woman, or if I were gay, I’d kiss him. Even though he’s English.

Of course, given that neither of the above conditions apply, we’ll just have to say, “it’s the thought that counts.”

Ellis has brought some real merit to the world of comics. Transmetropolitan more than lives up to all the hype you’ve heard. This is the guy who turned Image’s dreadful superhero comic Stormwatch into the loud, obnoxious, borderline-fascist and utterly exhilirating Authority that we all came to know and love. He’s also responsible for Planetary, which may be one of the greatest and most emotionally affecting things written for the genre since Alan Moore’s Watchmen.

Ellis is a strong writer, with an ear for both a great story and snappy dialogue. He’s got a wicked sense of humor, though it’s usually quite subtle.

Well, not here. Nextwave is just as loud and brash, and just as much stuff explodes as in any issue of The Authority, but the difference here is that it’s all immediate and up-front.
