Daily Archives: April 26, 2007

1 post

Ubuntu: making things easier

I’ve had my eye on the Beryl project for some time now. Problem is, I’m a loyal Slackware user, and it’s a royal pain in the rear getting it to work on the platform. Beryl isn’t the only problem child, either. I’ve never been able to get Gcdmaster working, and the less said about DVD authoring, the better.

Not that I have any illusions; Slackware isn’t designed to be easy, per se. Rather, it’s meant to be robust, stable and above all, fast. In those respects, it soars. It’s about the only distro I’d use to run a server, and if I need to run something that eats serious CPU cycles, it’s the way to go. It’s the closest distribution to actual Unix, and for an old-school geek like me, it fits like a glove.

The downside is that it takes alot of hacking and hand-editing to get certain things to work.
