Ah. Killer 7. In gaming circles, this title is highly controversial. It embodies the “game-as-art vs. game-as-entertainment” debate more than any other. Sure, games like the worthy Okami and Ico both qualify as “artistic,” while also being engaging, but no other game I can think of wears the look-at-me-I’m-art-with-a-capital-A badge with such brazen pride as Killer 7. You either love it for its loopy, entrancing story and its quirky graphics, or you hate it for its weird control mechanics and obtuse nature.
Of course, it didn’t sell very well. You can still find it in the used bins, and I highly recommend at least trying it for the sake of experiencing something unique. That’s probably where it would have ended for Killer 7, as a weird cult title with major stylistic ambitions.
That is, until Jack Thompson got ahold of it.