Daily Archives: March 3, 2008

1 post

Spring cleaning and a format change

First, the good news. Neil Gaiman reads this site, which is really quite a compliment, since the man is one of my favorite authors.

He’s worked in several genres, but I first came across his work when he was collaborating with Dave McKean in the classic Sandman series. The two did several books together, my favorite being the strange and moving Mr. Punch. He collaborated with Terry Pratchett in Good Omens, and he’s written several great novels, including American Gods.

William Gibson, one of the defining authors of the “cyberpunk” movement and author of the classic Neuromancer, also reads here.

I’m also referenced on this very odd site. I’m not sure what’s going on, but the idea that ninjas may be acting on an extraterrestrial level certainly gives me pause.