Daily Archives: March 6, 2008

1 post

Sex, guns and audiotape

Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

The Supreme Court will hear DC vs. Heller starting at 10:00AM on March 18th. Petitioner and Respondents will each have 30 minutes to make their arguments.

What’s interesting is that they will be releasing the audio of the proceedings (Souter has forbidden video cameras in the courtroom) on the same day. Check with Oyez, where it should be available for download.

If you’re just tuning in, 31 state-level Attorney Generals have filed a brief [pdf] in support of individual rights, and Dick Cheney has signed on to Congress’ brief, indirectly breaking ranks with the President, who’d tasked Solicitor General Clement to call for “closer scrutiny” in the Court’s deliberations.

It’s somewhat disappointing that Clement will get 15 minutes to argue his point, irrespective of the time limits imposed on Petitioner and Respondent.

But, I guess that’s politics. Still, we’ve now got 46 briefs in our corner, while supporters of the DC ban have 20.