Daily Archives: May 15, 2008

1 post

HB 89, Moving Forward

The bill has passed, but we’re not out of the woods yet. We can likely expect litigation against the “parking lot” provisions of HB 89, something Governor Perdue alluded to when he singed the bill.

Workers at MARTA have gathered 1000 signatures on a petition demanding “bulletproof shields” on buses, and I expect the Georgia Restaurant Association to do some serious kicking and screaming on the issue.

The editorial board at the AJC has been contributing to the furor, and Mayor Shirley Franklin has made her opinion known:

“The presumption needs to be, in order to have a safe city, that there are no concealed weapons. And only those who are acting criminally might have them.”

Yeah, go ahead and read that again.

It bears mention that Franklin is a member of the Mayors against Illegal Guns coalition (everything’s a “coalition” with the Left), and of course, their funding comes from a $175,000 Joyce Foundation grant.
