Daily Archives: June 6, 2008

1 post

Nepotism and Sleight of Hand

Seems like everybody’s got a petition these days.

I ask that you halt consideration of all pending judicial nominees from the Bush Administration who are hostile to reasonable gun control laws until a new president is sworn in next January. The American people don’t need any more Second Amendment extremists from this lame-duck president.

The left is running scared because it looks as if one of their sacred cows is about to be taken away.  Screaming for stricter gun control is their way of “raising awareness,” “doing something for the children,” or even, “making a difference.”  Once they’ve vented their spleen and chanted their slogans (preferably in a medium where all their friends can see them doing it), they can go back to their neighborhood coffee house, listen to not-too-weird jazz, and bask in the satisfaction of having been a “part of something important.”

Essentially, it’s a way of looking concerned without having to actually do anything
