Sarah Palin Swimsuit Photo

I’m really enthused with John McCain’s choice of running mates. Of course, no politician is without their scandals, and there’s one small matter from her past that needs to be addressed.

The day after her acceptance speech, two of the top ten search hits on Google were “Sarah Palin nude” and “Sarah Palin swimsuit.”  While none of the former seem to exist, I have uncovered a rather revealing photo from her days as Miss Alaska.  Brace yourself.

Total lack of modesty

There.  Now it’s out of the way.  This is pretty skimpy beach wear for folks in Alaska; as you can see, that jacket barely comes down to the knees.  This is what folks on the North Slope refer to as “showing some leg.”

Despite this unpleasantness, I think it’s time we all move on as a country.

Normal Alaskan folks

Like many of my peers, I felt that I’d really be settling for a tepid choice this November.  I fully expected McCain to go the safe route, choosing Romney or Lieberman.  Sarah Palin came from (seemingly) nowhere.

What a choice, though.  She brings a real conservative bent to the ticket.  She’s the genuine article, a lifetime NRA member who hunts serious game (shown here kicking Bullwinkle’s butt) and doesn’t shriek in terror when presented with serious military hardware.

Heck, she’s the governor of Alaska.  That’s not a place that tolerates the foolish for very long.  She sent Murkowski packing, and unlike any of our candidates on the Left, she visited the troops in Iraq twice, long before it could even be construed as being done for political gain.

She’s an eloquent and confident public speaker (I can’t wait to see her chew up Biden in the debates), and she’s all for drilling ANWR, polar bears be damned.

What *really* happened to Captain America

Yeah, there’s an old Country Club RINO on the ticket, too, but it’s the naughty librarian who gets my vote.

Postnote:  Yeah, I know the title is just whoring Google for all it’s worth.  I want to see where it ends up ranking.