We get the government we deserve.

As of midnight, Obama has 338 votes to McCain’s 155. It’s over. McCain has conceded, and Obama is giving his acceptance speech.

Don’t bitch at me about it; I don’t want to hear it. Most of you didn’t bother to show up in 2006 when the Republicans lost control of the Legislative branch. Now it’s in the bag. The next two years will be worse than the entire Clinton administration for the country.

I won’t go into what Obama will do. We already know that. The only thing that will minimize the damage will be for the Republicans to take back the Legislature in 2010. For that we need another Newt Gingrich, one that will stick to his guns this time.

I don’t have too much faith in even that, though.

The Republican party was coming off a disastrous two-term incumbency, and they failed to run a convincing candidate. Had they agreed on McCain at the beginning and let him run a real race, things would have turned out in our favor. Instead, they juggled candidates and ran their man too late. They couldn’t decide what issues to run with, and I swear if I ever again hear the phrase “reaching across the aisle” from a politician calling himself a conservative, it will be time to reconsider the very definition of “conservative.”

So let Obama cast about trying to “fix” the economy. He and his cronies should have been reading Adam Smith instead of Marx. If they had, they’d know that a free-market economy has a way of healing itself. Of course, they have to look like they’re “doing something,” so they’ll throw some stuff at the wall and watch it slide impotently down.

And it will come at a crushing expense to all of us.

They will discourage free enterprise and punish entrepreneurship, whether they mean to or not.

They will quash our 1st Amendment rights in the name of “fairness.”

They will do their best to reverse the marginal gains we’ve made with the 2nd Amendment over the last few years.

They will endanger our sovereignty by insisting on open borders and negotiations with tyrannical regimes. They will falter when force is required, whether it be military or diplomatic. They will make us appear weak in the eyes of the world, and they will kowtow to the United Nations, an organization that serves no irreplaceable purpose on the world stage.

They will do their best to pack the Supreme Court with “progressive” justices. In case you don’t know, “progressive” means that concepts like individual rights and habeas corpus are anachronisms.

They will leave us with a crushing tax burden, a lack of security and the unforgivable idea that Socialism, in any form, is acceptable in the 21st Century.

It is time for the Republican party to start preparing now to clean up the mess an Obama presidency will no doubt leave in its wake.  Let us pray they’re up to it.

(Incidentally, Guy Fawkes jokes and “hypotheticals” about harm befalling any sitting politician are not only in terribly bad taste, they don’t do anything to help our cause.)