Daily Archives: March 25, 2009

1 post

Fear of Guns, Part 648

Boortz caught onto this today, and it bears repeating. Illinois Rep. Annazette Collins made the mistake of suggesting that elementary-school aged children ought to be taught about gun safety, and now the harpies are circling.

Mayor Daley, who’s always had a rather sloppy understanding of civil liberties, called the idea, “the silliest position I’ve ever heard taken.”

According to “activist priest” Michael Pfleger:

That’s like saying we might as well sell drugs legally (…) We don’t want access to guns. We have children dying in this city. We’re talking about teaching kids in grammar school how to shoot guns? That’s crazy!

I guess I must have grown up in about the craziest environment imaginable, then. It’s a wonder I turned out sane.