Daily Archives: October 9, 2009

1 post

Where’s My Nobel?

President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Price this morning.

I’ve no idea why.

Actually, I do.

He’s not George W. Bush.

No, that really is the reason: I’m not being the least bit flippant or cynical.  The Left in this country did a thorough and enthusiastic job of painting the former President as a monster and a warmonger, and of course, Northern and Western Europe were glad to accept that picture.

So, now we’ve got a more “cosmopolitan” Chief Exectutive, a man who pushed the Camelot image to the hilt in his campaign and promised to “reach out” to the world, and the navel-gazing Norse progressives couldn’t be happier.

After all, he buys fully into their pet environmental policies, soundly echoing previous winner Al Gore.  He wasted no time in going on a world tour to apologize for our supposed failures as a country, going so far as to bow deferentially to Saudi princes. 
