Daily Archives: July 25, 2011

1 post

Another 15 Minutes

I had the day off, so I decided to pore over Anders Breivik’s self-serving manifesto.  It’s obvious that he took some inspiration from Timothy McVeigh in the execution of his plans.  As others have noted, he cribs some of his personal mythology from the Unabomber manifesto in justification of his actions.

Madmen like Breivik and Kaczynski write this stuff to preserve their place in history, and we read it in a vain attempt to find some reason, some explanation, for their atrocities.  Of course, there isn’t any:  some people are simply evil.  To give attention to their ramblings is to play into their hands.  Yet here I am laboring through all 1480 interminable pages.

After all the conspiracy theories, historical revisionism (which he claims to abhor), and claims to be a knight in a shadow order of renewed Templars, we come to Breivik’s planning notes.  This is where it becomes clear that he’s not only deluded, but quite incompetent as well.
