Daily Archives: June 21, 2012

1 post

I Am a Magnet for Crackpots

Usually, I get one good nutjob a week. They waddle in, regale me with their conspiracy theories, then leave to do whatever it is they do when they’re not holed up in a makeshift Faraday cage somewhere.

Today, I had three before lunch. I checked: it’s not a full moon. So what gives?

The first mentioned that DHS put in a large order of ammunition, “like a million rounds or something.” A rational person would say, “OK. We’re going into the 4th quarter of the fiscal year.”

Well, that’s what a rational person would say. This guy? Noooo. He claimed it was to be to used on “sovereign American-born citizens who will one day stand up for their rights and refuse to lie down any more.” I got that part verbatim because I was so bored with the conversation I actually wrote it down.

I hadn’t even had my coffee before another guy came in railing about FEMA camps and bath salts.
