Daily Archives: July 14, 2012

1 post

Dante, 1997-2012

Dante, Age 15

Dante was my best friend for fifteen years. This was the last picture I took of him, a day before I had to have him put to sleep. I gave him the best life I could, and he repaid me with unconditional love.

He meant to stick with me, even though he was hurting. I was reluctant to let him go, because I was too afraid to lose him. He was brave while I was selfish.

He’d never have thought that, though. He simply loved me with all his heart, and that’s a gift we all too often take for granted.

I watched him grow from an ebullient and bright puppy to a wise old man, and he was a reassuring constant in my life, no matter what happened. Now it aches to walk through a room that’s all too empty without him.

Dogs love unconditionally, and I do believe they have souls.  
