Daily Archives: September 19, 2012

1 post

Fast & Furious: Denouement

The Office of the Inspector General has released its findings on the Fast & Furious debacle. The short version? Everybody short of Attorney General Eric Holder has egg on the face. The report finds that Holder himself was unaware of the operation until February of 2011.

In the wake of the report, former Acting Director Kenneth Melson announced his retirement, and Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein resigned. Aside from the ATF Phoenix division staff, he seems to bear the brunt of the investigation’s ire.

And what of Holder? He fired back today about the “baseless accusations” leading to his contempt charge from Congress, and in the eyes of the public, he’s right. The Democrats claimed that Issa’s investigation was a partisan witch-hunt, and this report validates that assertion.

The report calls for a wide swath of disciplinary action, though I’m not expecting much. To this day, not a single government agent has been held responsible for Brian Terry’s death.
