Daily Archives: November 7, 2012

1 post

Four More Years

At this point, enough of the votes are in that it’s safe to call it. The American people want President Obama to serve a second term.

Read that last part again. He was voted in, fair and square. There wasn’t some liberal media conspiracy. There’s no more elusive birth certificate silliness this time around. Simply put, the voters spoke.

If that’s not good enough, and you just have to blame someone, I’ve got an apt candidate: the Tea Party.

Two years ago, I looked back on the wretched farce that was the 2010 midterm election and noted that the Tea Party was able to win seats. The question, however, was whether or not they could govern. The answer turns out to be a resounding no. Sure, they played it well for the fans back home by nipping at the President’s heels at every turn, but let’s discuss their actual achievements.
