Daily Archives: February 5, 2014

1 post

Acceptance vs. Investigation

Last night, Bill Nye debated Ken Ham, the president of Answers in Genesis. It didn’t go so well for Nye.

Why? Because Ham has certainty on his side, and certainty isn’t something scientists do. Scientists don’t accept explanations without proof, and they’re smart enough to admit when they don’t know something. Creationists, on the other hand, claim to have all the answers. At the end of the day, the latter approach appeals more to a crowd.

Creationists generally issue a few stock arguments against various theories, most of which are easily debunked by even the layman. Notice the insistence that the second law of thermodynamics (entropy, in short) invalidates the concept of evolution. What they’re missing is that Carnot’s law applies in a closed system, not an open one.

Someone needs to tell the guy in picture #21 that the Big Bang was not the result of an exploding star. 
