Daily Archives: February 12, 2014

2 posts

By Ysgramor’s Scraggly Beard

☠☠☠☠. Really. I mean, â˜ â˜ â˜ â˜ .

I guess I’m not going anywhere for awhile. On the bright side, I still have power. Many people in Georgia don’t at the moment. Fortunately, everyone knew enough to get off the roads before the worst hit.

The bird feeder gets pretty popular in this weather, and I’m getting visitors I’ve not seen before.

Bird Feeder

Here’s hoping something thaws by tomorrow.

Here We Go Again

It looks like we’re in for a repeat performance of the weather problems we had two weeks ago. As usual, our infrastructure is woefully underprepared. People may be stuck in their houses for several days, and power outages are likely. We can expect a bit of finger-pointing when it’s over, but nothing will change.

In the meantime, make sure you’ve got batteries charged and your 30-caliber magazine clips loaded. For while we sit at home and eat Cheetos, the Draugr are training.