Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

1 post

I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

The company line from the arch-conservatives is that Cliven Bundy won a battle against tyranny when he called in the militia to repel Big Gubmint from his land.  The truth is quite different.  Bundy broke the law, and when things didn’t go his way, he called in a bunch of armed thugs to avoid the consequences.

Here’s a memo to the Alex Jones fanclub: you have all been duped.  Using force (or the threat of force) to coerce others is the very antithesis of a free society.  You’ve been shown all too willing to use the tools of fascism under the guise of fighting it.

Captain Brillo Beard

Take a good look at the patch on Captain Brillo Beard’s chest.  In case you’ve forgotten Roman history, the Praetorian Guard served emperors.  Occasionally, they killed the very emperors they served if it suited them.  You might remember Caligula, but Pertinax, Aurelian, and Caracalla (there’s probably a whole list somewhere) all fell to their own guards in the name of political expediency or simply for money.
