Ah, election season. Today’s obnoxious mail comes from our friends at the National Association for Gun Rights.
I think they meant Phil Gingrey. The guy doesn’t even have red hair, so it’s not accurate to refer to him as “gingery.”
Or it could be they’re too busy slandering real 2nd Amendment advocates to be bothered with trivialities like spell check.
Probably the latter. I really don’t expect much competency from an organization whose sole purpose seems to be nipping at the heels of the NRA. Frankly, Dudley Brown has his hands full making a fool of himself in Colorado. I’d appreciate him not splashing around in our pool.
That said, the primary race to replace Senator Chambliss is already as wretched as can be. While Gingrey has been an unwavering friend to the 2nd Amendment, I’m not fond of his support for CISPA or for FISA expansions. As far as I’m concerned, those are both huge fails on the civil liberties front.