Daily Archives: May 24, 2014

1 post


By now, you’ve likely heard of the Elliot Rodger incident. He stabbed three people to death in his apartment, then when on a shooting rampage that killed three other people. It’s big news because he’s the son of a Hollywood director, he left a juicy manifesto, and his victims were affluent white people.

Poor children are shot in Chicago on a weekly basis, and we treat them like a grim but acceptable statistic. Yet we obsess over the ravings of a spoiled narcissist who decided to punish the world because he couldn’t get laid.

Yes, Rodger was sick, but so are we all.

Despite having plenty of clues as to his mental instability, the police did nothing. Sandy Hook was supposed to open a dialogue on our shameful treatment of mental illness in this country, but it was drowned out by calls for gun control because the latter makes for easy politics.
