Daily Archives: January 31, 2021

1 post

H.R.127 – Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act

So we have a new President, and he has a history with gun control. He was instrumental in the writing and passage of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, and it’s safe to assume he’s going to bring his clout to bear on the issue.

As such, it’s understandable that people are worried, but we don’t need to go jumping at shadows. Case in point: Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee’s annual gun bill. It’s a grab-bag of bad ideas and ludicrous restrictions on lawful behavior.

It’s also doomed to failure. Notice the complete lack of cosponsors. Now go back to the same bill from the last session. No cosponsors there, either. It never even made it to committee. Jackson has a history of drafting preposterous gun bills to enhance her personal brand, but they never go anywhere.

Why? Because she’s just not a player on the issue. When it’s time for the Democrats to give a serious push on the issue, it’ll carry the endorsements of Schumer, Durbin, and Feinstein.
