
151 posts

I make noises, and sometimes I get paid for them.

The Great Rebrand

I’m retiring the LonelyMachines name for my music. There are several reasons. The phrase was totally unique when I first started using it as an alias back in 2001. Now there are several artists using it in various forms, and there’s a popular song from a major-label act by the name. It’s a bit of a mess.

So I’ll just be releasing under my actual name from now on. It’s easy to remember, and nobody ever spells it right on the first try. There should be absolutely no problems with that at all.

If you follow me on Bandcamp, you can re-download the music with updated data and cover art. Also, I’m still at SoundCloud, just under the new name.

I’ve been too busy to do anything new lately, but here’s my latest track:

This Is the Road

The new EP is out Wednesday on Bandcamp and streaming services.

My usual approach is to put together a track I’m happy with, then pursue the underlying ideas and elements for a whole set. It keeps a consistent feel and things come together pretty quickly. Araminta Station was an exception. I had a huge amount of distraction in my life, so the tracks came together sometimes months apart. I was happy with the end product, but it’s definitely all over the place in terms of feel and atmosphere.

On this one, {Now + n, Now – n} was the first track. It’s largely based around a complex digital drone, overlaid with washes of reverbed-out pads and a minimal house beat.

(Yes, those are handclaps. No, I’m not apologizing.)

Now I had the agenda. Minimal house at twilight in the woods. I built the box and worked within it.


Raintrace Remixes

The title track from last year’s EP is getting quite a bit of attention on Spotify, which means I might make $0.0004 on it. So I decided to release it as a single, along with a few remixes. It’s free for the next week, so grab it now.


First track for the new year. Done all done in hardware because it’s easier to edit LFO parameters by hand than

f = { |x| (x * 2).sin * 3 + (x * 0.3).sin };
p = Pbind(
\dev, Ptime().collect(f), // current time passed to function
\midinote, Pkey(\dev) + 60 + [0, 4],
\amp, 0.05,
\dur, 0.15