Hitler Shouting

2 posts

Hitler Again

There’s a claim thrown around with annoying regularity that German Jews could have stopped the Holocaust if only they were armed. Since the narrative involves Hitler and guns being banned, everyone seems to take it at face value. Problem is, it’s not true.

Most of the gun-control laws in Germany came from the Weimar Republic and its attempts to comply with the Treaty of Versailles. In January 1919, the Reichstag enacted legislation requiring the surrender of nearly all guns to the government. They passed the Law on the Disarmament of the People the following year. In 1928 they passed the Law on Firearms and Ammunition, which allowed for some civilian firearms ownership but imposed a strict registration scheme.

Bear in mind, all these measures passed before Adolph Hitler was in any position of authority. In 1938, the Law on Firearms and Ammunition was actually loosened quite a bit. Permits were only required for handguns and handgun ammunition.


The Hitler Thing

This is a Public Service Announcement to anyone who wants to argue gun rights and not come off as an incoherent and tactless windbag.

We lose an argument very quickly by comparing contemporary politicians to the architects of the Holocaust. Likening someone to Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot just makes the speaker sound like he’s off his damned rocker. Such statements are factually inaccurate, and they just come off as mean-spirited and ignorant.

On top of that, there are still folks around who were actually affected by the Holocaust. They find it pretty insulting when we compare a battle over a single political policy to the systematic killing of six million Jews.

Yes, the President has a gun-control agenda. It’s blatant and vindictive, but that doesn’t make him Joseph Goebbels. Statements like that cost the commentators the moral high ground they so cherish. While it might generate hits for a right-wing blog or a few “attaboys” from the choir, it loses us a huge portion of a moderate audience.
