Once again, the Food Court is secure.

Skunkabilly strikes again! If you don’t get the joke, try reading this.

Now that I’m working at a gun shop, this stuff is starting to ring pretty close to home. Given the number of people who come through claiming to be Navy Seals, Marine Snipers or some sort of “classified” Elite Counterterrorism Ops, I can extrapolate an estimate of 33,562,421 people currently employed in one or more of those fields.

We can sleep soundly knowing that we are so well protected. Strangely enough, the upper echelon of tactical coolness all seem to prefer Hi-Points and second-hand Ruger automatics rather than the usual fare (Sig, H&K) offered for duty use. Perhaps these guns have redemptive properties of which I’m unaware.

I was recently informed by a customer (undoubtedly one of the Elite) who informed me that Hi-Point plans to release their version of the 1911 platform to the civilian market. I was curious, since I hadn’t heard anything. As it turns out, there’s a complete blackout on any information, and details remain a closely-guarded secret. Obviously, a government cover-up from the highest levels is taking place.

Being the intrepid soul that I am, I was able to get a few scant details. These were largely acquired through black-market information brokers, various means of torture and alot of nagging, so they may be a bit inacurrate. But heck, this is the internet, and conjecture=fact, so here it is, my mock-up of a “proof-of-concept” for the elusive Hi-Point 1911.

If I should disappear, I am counting on the legions of America’s Retail Security Elite (ARSE) to rise up and avenge my death.