Daily Archives: February 19, 2014

1 post

Evolve Together

This video has been making the rounds lately, and I think it’s hilarious.

It was conceived by Evolve Together. Founder Rebecca Bond came out briefly and vaguely on the general issue of violence after Sandy Hook, but she doesn’t appear to be aligned with any of the usual gun-control groups. Of course, the anti-gunners have learned to be sneaky with their affiliations and finances, and it’s suspicious that they haven’t reached out to any of the mainstream gun groups for support.

The video itself was produced by Saatchi & Saatchi, who have done some gun-control work in the past, but I don’t know if that was relevant in this case.

Despite the out-of-period weapon (repeaters weren’t around until 80 years after ratification), it contains a message gun folks really need to take it to heart.