Blue Dogs

3 posts

McDonald v. Chicago: Congressional Brief

I’ll post locations throughout the day as the amicus curiae briefs are posted.  It’s a lot to absorb in a short time, so I’ll just be posting links for now.

The Congressional brief is here.  I’d like to thank Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson for signing onto it.  58 Senators (19 Democrats) and 251 Representatives signed on in total.  There are no great legal insights we haven’t heard in any other briefs, but it does mention an interesting historical point:

At the outset of World War II, Congress authorized the President to seize certain property for the national defense under the Property Requisition Act. The Act explicitly excluded “the requisitioning or. . . registration of any firearms possessed by any individual for his personal protection or sport” and further denied that the Act could be used “to impair or infringe in any manner the right of any individual to keep and bear arms.” 


The Democratic Schism

It’s looking like moderate is the new progressive, and the Left is having their biggest existential crisis since Sarah Palin.

We can criticize Blue Dog behavior all we want, but as long as we keep funneling their members millions of dollars every two years in small, online donations, then we will actually be ratifying, not criticizing their behavior. We will be supporting their efforts to push the party to the right, not working to push the party to the left.

If they are coasting that they can block or clear whatever legislation they want, the Blue Dogs consider themselves to be in charge of D.C., not Speaker Pelosi or President Obama. (…) The Blue Dogs are an overt obstacle to progressive governance. (…) They are overtly anti-progressive and anti-left wing.

Democrats: they’re not all out to get us.

New York Governor David Paterson has selected Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand to take Hillary Clinton’s place as New York Senator. The bad news? She’s a Democrat.

The good news? She’s a Democrat.

Gillibrand has earned an “A” rating from the NRA based on a voting record which shows unwavering support for the 2nd Amendment.

That’s right: a pro-gun Senator representing New York. It may very well be that the North American Reagan Democrat isn’t as extinct as we thought.