Edward Snowden

1 post

Snowden: Traitor or Troll?

Iranian news sources and the Russian FSB have parsed Edward Snowden’s 2-million document leak. Among the shocking state secrets revealed is the identity of our true lords and masters: Hitler space aliens.

Well, now the cat’s out of the bag. Is nothing safe?

Apparently, Snowden shared documents with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer, who has gone on record to confirm that space aliens from Nevada (I knew there was something off about Harry Reed) have been running our government since 1945. They’d previously built submarines for the Nazis. The whole thing has been splashed all over the Russian and Iranian media.

I’ve heard a theory that Snowden isn’t real, that he’s an elaborate hoax. It makes a certain sort of sense. However, the idea that we put him out there to confuse and troll the bejeezus out of Putin and Rouhani is far more satisfying. And utterly hilarious.