Four Tet

1 post

Rounds by Four Tet

Okay, I’ll admit it: there’s supposed to be a review of Draft 7.30 in this space. I know it and you know it. Thing is, I just can’t get my thoughts together on it, so I’m taking some time away from it. It’s not that I plan to say bad things about it, it’s just that I don’t know what to write yet.

Basically, I’m procrastinating. I’m very good at that sort of thing. In fact, I could say I’ve made an art form out of it. At least then I could feel good about it, but I’d be lying.

Thing is, there’s a part of me that’s just not always up for the challenge, and at the moment that’s the part that’s dictating my actions.

I’ll have a review up soon. I promise. Honest.

In the meantime, I give you the new Four Tet. I really enjoyed Pause when it came out, and for a few weeks it was in heavy rotation around the house.
