H.R. 3962

1 post

This Isn’t Over

So here we are.  H.R. 3962 has passed in the House.  It looks likely to pass in the Senate unless the Republicans can kill it with amendments.  Should they fail, it’ll become law this week.

I’m glad today’s my day off.  I have to endure enough ignorant political prattle at work as it is, and I can only imagine the coarse level of discourse today.  By now, somebody’s come up with another silly parody of the President’s name, and they’re going to hue and cry about the results, even though most of those doing so did absolutely nothing to stop it from happening.

In her speech preceding the vote, Speaker Pelosi said,

“Another Speaker, Tip O’Neill, once said, “all politics is local.”  And I say to you tonight that when it comes to health care for all Americans, “all politics is personal.”

Perhaps if Americans had taken that advice to heart, none of this would have happened. 
