Supreme Court

3 posts

The Post-Bruen Landscape

First, some background because I haven’t written on this stuff in a while.  A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen.  At issue was New York City’s restrictive and discriminatory system for issuing permits to carry a firearm.

The law in question was New York’s Sullivan Act, which I’ve written on before. It required a permit to carry a firearm outside the home, then set up an arbitrary, discretionary process under which minorities and union organizers were routinely denied.  In fact, the original text singled out the Irish and used the phrase “swarthy immigrants.”

In the intervening decades, New York made it impossible for anyone but the rich and connected to get permits.  A business owner in a bad neighborhood had no chance of being approved, but celebrities like Robert DeNiro and Bill Cosby certainly did.  In one case, two members of Aerosmith were given permits in exchange for backstage passes even though they didn’t qualify at all.


It’s a Supreme Court Appointment, Not the End of the World.

So, you might have heard Justice Kennedy is retiring. The news was hard to miss, given the gnashing of teeth on the left and the gleeful anticipation on the right. For the most part, this isn’t really much to worry about, and the people claiming it’s the end of the Republic are being petty and disingenuous.

Let’s all take a deep breath here. In. Out. In. Hold it. Out. Now jazz hands. OK. Let’s talk this through like grown-ups.

This should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody. Kennedy has been making noises about retirement for at least three years. The idea that this blindsided the DNC leadership means that they’ve hidden their heads in the sand under the impression he’d wait out Trump’s first term. That was beyond stupid. The fact they’re unprepared for this means they’re still laboring under the same smug complacency that has bled the party dry at the state level over the last decade, and the same one that led them to nominate an awful, untrusted Presidential candidate who couldn’t beat Donald J.


1937 All Over Again

For someone claiming unalloyed fealty to the Constitution, Rick Perry sure does want to tinker with it. He’s called for repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments, and he wants new ones to outlaw abortion and gay marriage.

This guy wants to take our founding document and tailor it to fit his personal whims. That should scare the living daylights out of any American.

Equally strange are his plans for the Supreme Court. He wants rolling term limits for Justices, and he wants to give Congress the power to overrule verdicts by a 2/3 vote. Both ideas are wretched, and both have been tried before.